How to customize Spring Security’s AuthenticationFailureHandler in a Spring Boot application?

We handle successful authentications by implementing the onAuthenticationSuccess() method of Spring Security’s AuthenticationSuccessHandler Interface. We write our own code to handle the activities and flow for successfully logged in users. Similarly we can handle the authentication failures using Spring Security’s AuthenticationFailureHandler Interface. Spring handles authentication failures and redirect users to the login page by itself […]

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What is Java Call Stack?

To start with, what does an Exception mean? It is an event that disrupts the normal flow of a program’s execution. When an exception is thrown from inside a method, the Java Runtime System attempts to find an ordered list of methods that had been called to reach the method where the error occurred. This […]

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What is Thread Scheduling in Java?

Execution of multiple threads/tasks on a single processor is called Thread Scheduling. Scheduling can mainly be of two types. 1) Preemptive scheduling 2) Time-sliced scheduling In Preemptive scheduling, the thread with the highest priority runs first. it keeps running until it reaches wait or dead stage or a higher priority thread comes. In Time-sliced scheduling, […]

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