How to use Jasypt in a Spring Boot application?
How to use Jasypt in a Spring Boot application? A detailed guide to encrypting application properties using Jasypt.
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How to use Jasypt in a Spring Boot application? A detailed guide to encrypting application properties using Jasypt.
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Continue ReadingWe handle successful authentications by implementing the onAuthenticationSuccess() method of Spring Security’s AuthenticationSuccessHandler Interface. We write our own code to handle the activities and flow for successfully logged in users. Similarly we can handle the authentication failures using Spring Security’s AuthenticationFailureHandler Interface. Spring handles authentication failures and redirect users to the login page by itself […]
Continue ReadingLet me give you an introduction. If you want to skip and jump quickly into the implementation part then scroll down to the Examples section. First of all, what is an SQL Expression? It’s a combination of one or more values, operators and SQL functions that evaluates to a value. We usually use queries combined […]
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Continue ReadingAs you all know, errorPage attribute of JSP page directive is used to take the user to an error page (which may be common for all the pages) in case of any exceptions. Guess what will be the result if we try to load the following JPS files. 1) first.jsp it has the following statements […]
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Continue ReadingSometimes we will need our application to do a conversion between file formats. Out of these the most common is any format to PDF. Have a look @ this It is the JOD converter that can be used for this. It has a good number of input and output file format options. You can download […]
Continue ReadingYou may need to integrate a voice recorder in to your application and play the recorded voice message later. Following is one of many options. Main java classes used to capture audio are, the following. AudioSystem AudioInputStream AudioFormat TargetDataLine DataLine.Info You will need to import javax.sound.sampled.* as these are included in javax.sound.sampled package. This package […]
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